First let’s answer the question: what does key mean in music?
How to find key of a song with a lead sheet
There are a few different ways to determine the key of a song. One way is to listen to the song and try to determine the tonal center or the note that the song seems to revolve around—but I’ll talk more about identifying keys by ear below. As a beginner piano player, it’s super simple to look at the key signature on your song’s lead sheet to see which key the song is written in. A key signature determines the key of a song and describes the set amount of accidentals (sharps and flats) to be played. It can be found on the staff at the very beginning of your sheet music.
Key signatures with sharps
Key signatures with flats
Finding the key on the piano by ear for playing
If you’re like me and like to have fun on the piano without having to depend on sheet music all the time, you can easily find the key of a tune with a little noodling and experimentation! One way to do it is to listen to the song and try to identify the tonal center, or the “home” note that the song seems to revolve around. This is often the note that the song ends on or the note that is played the most often. Once you have identified the tonal center, you can use the piano to try playing the song in different keys until you find the one that best matches the original recording or has the lowest amount of accidental notes or notes outside of a key signature. You can also try singing the song yourself, starting on different pitches until you find the one that sounds best. This can help you to identify the key by ear.
Finding the right key for your vocal range with lead sheets